Produktgruppe: Kabel, Netzleisten + Filter

Power Conditioner von AUDIENCE

Power Conditioner von AUDIENCE Power Conditioner  von AUDIENCE
High Resolution Power Conditioner
With Power Factor Correction,
RF/Noise Filtering and Transient Suppression.

The Adept Response will elevate the performance of your audio/video system to new heights like no other power conditioner. In addition to superior power protection, the Adept Response delivers the ultimate audio/video experience.

* Entire audio and/or video system can be powered by a single
Adept Response power conditioner

* Audience Auricap High Resolution Capacitors used exclusively
in filter sections

* Digital incoming voltage readout on front panel

* Entire electrical circuitry cryogenically treated

Adept Response Master Power Conditioner

Product Reviews and Awards

"King Of The Passives - If you are seeking the ultimate in passive power conditioning performance, especially for the reproduction of high-end caliber audio, the AdeptResponse is as good as it gets"

Widescreen Review - Doug Blackburn - August "06

"In carefully considering the architectural and equipment specifications of my new studio/demonstration room, I chose only the best. Audience Cables and their Power Conditioner deliver the kind of reproduction quality that our high resolution recordings demand."

AIX Records - Mark Waldrep, Ph.D. - August "06

"I can say with certainty the Adept Response is among the elite of AC conditioners." - Clement Perry - August "06

"The Adept Response made a phenomenal difference in my system. Fundamentally, it improved the clarity of recordings by eliminating a previously undetected lack of definition, without introducing any brightness or most importantly any coloration. That is worth repeating. I did not hear any coloration from the Adept Response or any obscuring of the rhythm of the music. The Adept Response just made every recording I listened to more natural and in turn more musically engaging."

The Absolute Sound - Max Shepherd - June "06

"Conclusion. The Audience Adept Response line conditioner is a beautiful machine to gaze upon and use. Unlike so many other line conditioners with substantial prices, the Audience does give one reason to feel that the hardware involved justifies the price charged."

Bound For Sound - Martin DeWulf - issue 170, March "06

"Uniformly, those rooms with the Adept Response were some of the best sounding at the show."
Bound For Sound, issue 169, CES "06 Show Report

"List an attribute you would expect to have from your power conditioner, and this one actually delivers."
Positive Feedback Online - Greg Weaver - Writers"
Choice Awards for 2005

"The Audience adeptResponse is perfect in every way."
Positive Feedback Online - Fown-Ming Tien - Writers" Choice Awards for 2005

"This expensive but extremely effective 12-outlet conditioner delivered significant improvements in bass definition and depth, overall resolution, and soundstage depth. Build-quality is exemplary."
Editor"s Choice Awards - Robert Harley/The Absolute Sound - Dec. "05
"At $3800, the Audience adeptResponse is not inexpensive, but given its ability to improve the sound of everything connected to it, I feel that it is worth every penny. Audio gear is always about compromise. The Audience adeptResponse is the first and only component I have experienced that represents zero compromise."
Positive Feedback - November "05 - Fown Ming-Tien

“This high-end conditioner filters the incoming AC as well as isolates each of the 12 hospital-grade AC outlets from each other. The result is a cleaner overall sound, better bass definition, a more spacious presentation, and greater ease and involvement. Expensive, but worth it."
Editor"s Choice Awards - Robert Harley/The Perfect Vision - Winter "06
"Treble with the Adept Response is superb, coaxing some of the finest highs I"ve heard out of a number of components. But, it"s the clean dynamic action that I"ve obtained with the Adept Response that to my way of thinking sets it apart from other AC line conditioning devices that I"ve used in the past."
Bound For Sound - Martin DeWulf - August "05