Produktgruppe: Endverstärker

NuForce Monoblöcke R9V3 in der SE Version

NuForce  Monoblöcke  R9V3 in der SE Version NuForce Monoblöcke R9V3 SE
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Die Monoblöcke R9V3 in der SE Version
des amerikanischen Herstellers NuForce.

Hier die technischen Daten:
Mono Input: RCA and true balance XLR
Power output
Power/Load 8 ohm 4 ohm 2 ohm
Peak Power (20 msec hold time) 325W 650W 1300W
RMS Power 175W 335W 335W
Frequency Response: 20 Hz -0.3 dB - 120 kHz -3 dB THD+N = 0.01%, 1kHz, 1W to 10W, A Weighted.
Input impedance: 22K ohm
Input sensitivity = 2.57V, 100W @ 8 Ohm; 1.81V, 100W @ 4 Ohm
Gain: 21 db
SNR > 100 db at 100W
Eichmann Cable Pod binding post for spade and banana plug
Chassis is made of high-grade anodized brushed aluminum to reduce audio resonance

Ref 9 V3SE takes its strengths to an even higher level. These include:

Sweeter highs, without any compromise in frequency extension.
A smoother and more palpable midrange, while preserving the natural harmonic structure for which the Ref 9 V3 is famous. The Ref 9 V3SE is one of the few amplifiers in the world that does not impart a signature on the music. This results in a more natural and relaxed presentation.
The bass remains the amp\'s huge strength. The Ref 9 V3 SE has same tightness and texture of the standard Ref 9 V3, but with a little more weight.
The stage is more coherent and deeper.
In summary, the SE\'s sound is more neutral and liquid, with a more relaxed yet powerful soundstage presentation.