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Various / Other SAEQ (Serbian Audio Equipment) HYPERION Ge - HEADPHONE AMPLIFIER

Product information

Product category
Headphone Amplifier
Various / Other
Not specified
Usage state
Not specified
Not specified
Original price
6,399.00 €
5,749.00 €


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The HYPERION Ge headphone amplifier represents the real STATE OF ART in the domain of audio reproduction.
In Greek mythology HYPERION is the son of the god Titan. HYPERION together with his son HELIOS represents the personification of the Sun.
We designed the front panel to symbolize the brightness of the Sun.
Its luxurious presentation and extraordinary authenticity in reproduction causes the listener to be delighted all times as it creates the illusion of the presence of live music in minute detail.
The high level of reproduction was set with the HAS-1b. With the HYPERION Ge, we managed to go even further with clearer details and a finer presentation of acoustic space.
Careful selection of components and expertly designed amplifier topology with pre-drive stage in pure A-class represents a stable basis for the highest class of amplifiers.
To achieve this, we opted for the forgotten jewels among transistors - Germanium transistors.
They were created in the fifties of the last century. They had several advantages over silicon transistors (higher current gain, higher linearity and lower base voltage requirement). Due to the expensive and complicated technology and expensive basic material - germanium, their production was abandoned in the seventies (of the last century).
Unfortunately for audiophiles, they were replaced with cheap silicon transistors. Yet, their rarity and significantly higher price did not prevent us from using them in the input stage of HYPERION Ge.
The use of germanium transistors allowed us to achieve the finest reproduction details that introduce the listener to the world of live music. The fact that germanium transistors have 2 to 5 times lower base voltage than silicon transistors gives this amplifier incredible potential in displaying fine details that captivate with opulence of sound presentation.
HYPERION Ge is an amplifier with which we wanted to leave the imagination of the audio presentation and enable you to be on stage.
A special bonus of HYPERION Ge is the speaker output. It allows you an incredible experience of the authenticity of reproduction in your room, provided that it is connected to high-class loudspeakers. It certainly requires premium sound sources AND the highest class of cabling to keep your path to the live sound open.
HYPERION Ge is the shortest way to the authentic sound of the artists and satisfaction, in your room and your favorite armchair.

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Pure Pro Audio & Hi Fi


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Registered since 02/2023
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- Shipping from Spain (29651)
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- Worldwide shipping

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- Bank transfer
- PayPal
- Prepayment (bank transfer)

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Advert time period
01.03.2025 - 06:18
30.04.2025 - 06:18

41 times in 16 day(s)

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