Grado PS 1000e – ultimativer Kopfhörer – VORRÄTIG zum Sonderpreis
Product information
- Product category
- Wire bound Headphone
- Manufacturer
- Grado
- Function
- flawless
- Age
- 2 years
- Usage state
- Exhibit
- Appearance
- as good as new
- Accessories
- complete with original box
- Color
- Chrom / Leder schwarz
- Original price
- 2,000.00 €
- Price
- 1,111.00 €
- More information
- Serial number
- ###
VERSAND möglich – persönliche ABHOLUNG willkommen / SHIPPING to EC Countries – personal PICKUP welcome
Der wenig gebrauchte GRADO PS 1000e ist in sehr gutem, voll funktionsfähigem Zustand und wird in der Originalverpackung geliefert - siehe Bilder. VORRÄTIG, im Kundenauftrag, 12 Monate Bring-in Gewährleistung.
Dein (Kopfhörer-)Verstärker hat keinen 6,3mm Klinkenbuchse Kopfhörerausgang? Die Lösung: optional erhältliche hochwertige Wywires Adapter gegen Aufpreis erhältlich - für maximale Anschluss-Flexibilität.
Grado PS 1000e - dynamischer Kopfhörer
Mehr GRADO Angebote / More GRADO offers.
Kundenstimmen / Customer feedbacks
Aktuell vorrätig / Currently in stock
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IN STOCK – ultimate High End Headphones from the famous Grado Professional Series, Grado 2,0m cable with 6,3mm TRS plug. Optional: 6,3mm TRS female > 3,5mm TRS male adapter = +29 € extra cost.
The slightly used GRADO PS1000e is very good, fully working condition and will be shipped in its original box – see pictures. IN STOCK, I sell for one of my customers, 12 months bring-in warranty.
Personal PICKUP welcome / SHIPPING to EC Countries
Your (Headphones-)Amplifier does not feature a 6,3mm TRS Headphone output? The solution: optional high quality Wywires Adapters - available at extra cost. schreibt über den GRADO PS 1000:
(...) "But it offers the most generously burnished tone and the most powerful and well-controlled bass to arguably be the best choice for those who listen to predominantly modern popular music which on a whole isn't that well recorded but demands proper anchoring down low. The biggest hurdle here really is the high price when considering the old-fashioned and somewhat funky 'vintage army radio operator' appearance. It's where a small outfit like Grado stretches itself thin to be out-muscled and out-blinged by the far greater resources of its corporate competitors. (…)
In closing, the PS1000 delivers the traditional sonic Grado virtues at their very best yet short-changes the informed luxury shopper on secondary matters which are sonically irrelevant. Whether that makes them irrelevant period is a valid question. I let you be the judge. In my digs, the PS1000s are the equivalent of my Zu Essence loudspeakers - feisty, fulsome, dynamic and warm whist offering rather more refinement than pure career rockers would.” (…)
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Fragen? Schreib´ mir bitte eine email oder ruf´ mich an 06565 934398
Produktidentifikation / Produktbezeichnung
Grado PS 1000e
4614 7th Avenue,
11220 Brooklyn, New York
Deutschland – Vertrieb
High Fidelity Studio
Dominikanergasse 7
D-86150 Augsburg
- Shipping from Germany (54647)
- Purchaser pays shipping costs
- EU wide shipping
Payment methods
- Cash upon collection
- Bank transfer
- See description
- Prepayment (bank transfer)
Advert time period- Start:
- 21.03.2025 - 14:38
- End:
- 20.05.2025 - 14:38
33 times in 7 day(s)