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Product category: Standing Speaker
Stereophile und David Chesky – Tune Audio Avaton Hörner Highlight auf der High End 2018!
Tune Audio Hornlautsprecher aus Athen. 93 – 109 dB Wirkungsgrad, modernste Traktrix Hörner, impulsschnelle 6dB Weichen, raumunkritische Basshörner, näher an der Musik geht kaum, funktioniert mit Röhre, Single-Ended und „schnellen“ Transistoren.
Die ersten Presseberichte aus München sind online:
„I was listening with David Chesky, to a recording made by David Chesky, of a piano played by David Chesky; and we were both looking at each other, shaking our heads. When it was over, we both agreed, this was closest any loudspeaker ever got to reproducing the density and presence of a real piano. I left the room in tears from the experience...“
Stereophile und David Chesky waren beeindruckt
„After just a minute of listening I asked myself, “What is this? What am I hearing?” STOP THE PRESSES!!! This was an Oh My God sonic revelation! I instantly texted my horn friend to tell him to come right over to verify what I was hearing!“